MMAC Member Spotlight
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Executive Roundtable Program In just a few words – How does your membership supports your business? MMAC does a lot for the small business community. They watch out and monitor the things we as business owners truly do not have the time or energy to fight on our own. They also offer insight into topics and education through webinars, seminars and networking. Share some common themes discussed in your Roundtable: There are to many to mention them all. They include personal issues from hiring to firing and everything in-between. Acquisition advice, exit planning, partnership challenges, changes to laws, changes to our cultures, COVID, CARES Act, kid issues and much much more. What benefits you - either professionally or personally - from belonging to our Executive Roundtables? I belong to the COSBE and CGB roundtables. The professional connections and friendships formed in these groups have been invaluable to my business as well as my personal life. Sharing information, discussing confidential scenarios, and bouncing ideas off of these people has been fantastic. Can't imagine not having them in my circle of trust. Just for fun What was the last music or cultural event you attended - in person or virtual? The Van Gough Exhibit (in-person). Fantastic 3D experience of this amazing artist. If you had a super power – what would it be? The power of Self Confidence is about all anyone needs. With it you can accomplish anything. What's one fact about you – that most of your colleagues don’t know? I was once a pool shark and voted most valuable player. I played for many years and even traveled back to my old stomping ground to be in a league. I have hung up my pool queue now but enjoy a competitive game now and again. Out of town guests need entertaining – what is your go to destination and why? One of our many lakes. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful lake front and to often take it for granted. What is one professional goal you have for the next 90 days? In the next 90 days I would like to add two additional people to our team. I want them to be entrepreneurial spirited and grow them to run Guardian in the future. Growth – Neutral or Decline…How would you describe the 2-year outlook for your industry? Growth - many manufactures are looking to technology to help with the labor shortage, efficiencies, better data, and much more. COVID also help bring to light the age of their existing systems and limitations. Name one person in the MKE region whom you admire and why. My husband, Bob Lazlo. He has been by my side the last 25 years at Guardian helping to grow the company, try new things and support my decisions. He has been a great asset to our company - not to mention to my kids and family! Comments are closed.
Member Spotlights
Highlighting our members and their achievements Groups