Recently, MMAC partnered with the Medical College of Wisconsin, the Greater Milwaukee Committee, the Unified Emergency Operations Center and the Milwaukee Business Journal. to present a webinar on COVID-19 vaccination information for employers. A replay is available on MMAC's YouTube Channel.
Surveys show employers are a trusted source of information about COVID-19, so as we work to build vaccine confidence and reach every individual, your help is crucial. We also are presenting additional resources to help employers discuss vaccinations with their employees, including a toolkit and a sample presentation. Our experts were unable to answer every question we received during the webinar. Here are some answers to additional questions: Q: Can you mandate employees at a restaurant, especially fast food? Mark Goldstein, Goldstein Law Group: If the question is whether you can mandate vaccination, the answer is yes. Q: If (vaccination) incentives are provided for all, how is this an incentive to get vaccinated? Mark Goldstein: Good question. It is not for all, just for those who get vaccinated and those with bona fide religious or health reasons for not getting vaccinated. That said, there’s a lot in both messaging and implementation. As to implementation, for example, if you remind people that they can use EPSL for vaccination, you needn’t offer the same to others (as EPSL is only provided for that and other COVID-related purposes). Q: With the refreshed 80 hours bucket of FFCRA pay starting April 1st, can this time be used by employees for the purpose of getting the vaccine and being out due to feeling sick after the vaccine? Or is it strictly for the prior reasons that the time could be used? Mark Goldstein: Correct, for both the vaccine and any time off relative to side effects. Q: Can we "incentivize" by allowing FFCRA pay for the day the EE gets vaccinated? Those that cannot get vaccinate would not be eligible for that FFCRA for the day of the shot. Mark Goldstein: Yes (and see above). On the one hand, guidance is not crystal clear just yet on how much time is enough/too much. On the other, a solution that resolves the discrimination issue as well. Comments are closed.