Governor to join MMAC Business Strategies during the Pandemic webinar, 11 am Tuesday, April 21
As MMAC President Tim Sheehy wrote in a note to members last week, “We continue to believe that this data shows that we need to be flexible in determining a Smart Restart of our economy, and that improving trends will allow us to reel in the May 26th extension of ‘Safer at Home.’ In addition, we believe the challenging economic conditions are a growing factor in this consideration.” The governor’s plan is based on “gating criteria” and “core state responsibilities,” which will be evaluated regularly and guide decisions about when Wisconsin can move to the first of three phases of an economic restart. According to the plan, the first phase will begin when “all gating criteria and core responsibilities are met.” As outlined in our Smart Restart plan, the MMAC is urging flexibility instead of an “all or nothing” approach. Gating criteria in the state’s plan include:
The three phases of the state’s plan include: Phase 1: Partial reopening of non-essential businesses. Restaurants can open with health and safety best practices in place. Retail restrictions are removed. Gatherings with a maximum of 10 people are allowed. Phase 2: Bars and non-essential businesses can open with best practices. Post-secondary educational institutions can consider opening. Meetings with 50-person maximum. Phase 3: All open with no meeting maximum. Comments are closed.